I begin this blog after rehearsal four of my one-woman/one-person/solo show, Three Kinds Of Me. Whichever term is the more de rigueur, it all boils down to the same simple fact: I'm going to be up there ON MY TOD. Just me, my skinny little 5ft4 self and I. And to put it in no uncertain terms, I'm CACKING it. But, hey, this was MY idea - I wrote it, I decided I'd perform it and therefore I deserve zero sympathy. That's why I'm writing this blog - this way I can weep, curse, sweat, howl and hair-pull into the privacy of my laptop keys and nobody has to listen. Do you hear what I'm saying?

Thursday, 6 September 2012


I  ask myself this question up to 333 times a day, more if you count when I'm asleep. Other people ask me it too, usually when I'm talking about my show with that rabbit-caught-in-headlights expression, a look which says: I have no idea how I got myself into this position and the chances of me getting out of here in one fluffy bouncing piece is as likely as George Osborne being turned into Mr Popular by a current day Roger Hargreaves. So, if I'm THAT  scared, why AM i doing it???

Well, here are some 'possible' reasons:

1. I love performing
2. I love writing
3. I wanted to write something I could perform
4. I wanted to perform something I'd written
5. To entertain people and make them laugh/cry/think/feel/question
5. I like pushing my own boundaries
6. I liking creating
7. Life is too short
8. I believe in feeling the fear and doing it anyway
9. I want to improve/grow/develop as a writer/performer
10. I'm mad

and now for some reasons why I probably shouldn't be doing it:

1. It's bloody scary
2. I've never done a show on my own before
3. I'll get stage fright/forget my lines/faint or all of the above
4. It'll be a disaster
5. People will hate it
6. I'll hate it
7. I'll become ill with the stress
8. I might not want to perform ever again
9. I might not be asked to perform ever again
10. I'm mad

Right, I think it's time for some mindfulness...

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